
items that can see through to wear of the prom

Have you seen the new guidelines for introducing peanuts into your child's diet?

Natalie P, our family nutritionist and licensed dietitian, recommends:

"Our family has always practiced early introduction of foods. Both of my kids had nut butters, nuts, and other allergy-prone foods well before they were a year old. My recommendation as a parent and trained dietitian is to introduce those foods you know have a possibility of an allergic reaction (peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, wheat, soy, fish, and shellfish) at home when you feel comfortable. This way you can pay close attention to your child during and after eating." items that can see through to wear of the prom

Parents View New Peanut Guidelines With Guilt and Skepticism Alarmed by the suggestion that peanut-containing food be deliberately fed to infants, some parents are lashing out on social media.mobile.nytimes.com