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What are the top brain foods to improve your memory?

1. Eat whole grains for a steady supply of energy to your brain. This is a a great brain and memory food.
2. Eat oil fish (Salmon, trout, mackerel, herring). Essential fatty acids cannot be made by the body and must be obtained through a diet. You can get this from Omega 3 pills as well. Flax seed, pumpkin seeds are also a source over 50 mature ladies collections for a cocktail party
3. Eat more blueberries. They have antioxidants that are helpful for the brain. ...
4. Tomatoes. They protect against free radical damage
5. B6, B12 and folic acid prevent against brain shrinkage
6. Walnuts are the top nuts for brain health. Just a quarter cup of walnuts provide the daily intake for DHA
7. Avocados are healthy brain foods. It is a healthy fat and promotes good blood flow and is one of my favorite brain foods.
8. Dark chocolate has powerful antioxidant properties that protect brain and is a natural stimulant and is a top brain food.
9. Broccoli has significant amounts of vitamin K and that is going to be good for your memory and brain
10. Curry. Curry has turmeric in it and this spice is helpful to your brain and memory.
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