
wedding of the maternity lady

Update...So thsee blood tests shows what's happened since the last time I had been getting treatments at the Holistic Medical Clinic of the Carolinas.
My pH level was high at 8.5, but that was becsuse I had earlier taken baking soda to raise it. He told me that was too high and could cause other problems and to stop taking so much baking soda and try to just keeping my pH balanced at 7.2 more through eating food.

High epithelial cells may mean something for concern, such as inflammation, infections and even malignancies. Since I have cancer this you would expect to see.

Cloudy abnormal urine... is most likely becsuse Im detoxing continusly on a daily bases. Certain conditions can cause excess protein or crystalline substances in the urine, causing it to persistently appear cloudy.

My vitamin D level is up from 57 to 64. This is not good enough for a cancer patient. I need at least to be 70, but to help fight the cancer I should be in the 90's and that is where the doc wants me to be. So he raised my vitamin D level suplement to take.

My cholesterol appear high, but that is because my good HDL is high the good cholesterol, so it's all good. My LDL the bad cholesterol is high and I am to cut down on the carbs I consume. I had been eating more carbs because I don't eat meat anymore, so I need to work on this change a bit better.

My thyroid THS is first time in 8 years, in excellent condition. What other doctors tried to do in 8 years, Dr. Cohn succeeded in less than 8 months.

My C-Reactive Protien quant being high of 6.4 is for concern. It shows that there is inflamation being caused by something wrong inY body. It could be an infection of some type or cancer still present, or csused by the the surgery I had a few weeks ago.

This is also indicated by the rise of my Nagalsee test at point 95 ftom point 76. I also had found two lymp nodes swollen around the collar bone, neck area. That could be caused by inflamation, cancer or over worked lymp nodes because I did have 50 removed from surgery.

Conclusion... to get to the bottom of what is going on I have to have a PET scan. The PET scan should show exactly what's going on. Then we can decide on the right protocol action to take. The doctor has also increasing my intake of vitamin C from 9,000 IU to 12,000 to increase the ascorbic acid in my body which kills cancer. Everything else I'm taking is the same. wedding of the maternity lady